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Code of Conduct

Our Commitment to Hosting Safe Spaces

The Sensemakers Club is dedicated to hosting a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all members, across all our digital platforms and events. We celebrate diversity and are committed to building a community where everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or religion, feels valued and respected.


Why a Code of Conduct?

Our Code of Conduct is not just about compliance; it's about building a community where every member can participate fully and freely, without fear of harassment or discrimination. Inspired by the principles found in resources like the Geek Feminism Wiki, this Code reflects our commitment to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive space.


Harassment-Free Policy

We do not tolerate harassment of community members, participants, staff, or visitors on any basis, including, but not limited to, age, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, or technology choices.

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption, inappropriate contact outside the club, and unwelcome sexual attention. This policy extends to all platforms and modes of communication, both online and offline, associated with our club.

Should any member engage in harassing behavior,we reserve the right to take any actions deemed appropriate, including warning the offender, expelling them from the club with no refund (if applicable), or banning them from future club participation. We expect everyone within our community to follow these guidelines in all interactions, both within and in relation to the community.


Solicitation-Free Policy

In our commitment to maintain a respectful, engaging, and professional environment, we strictly prohibit unsolicited sales pitches, promotions, and any form of direct solicitation to our members or participants without prior approval. This policy applies to all interactions within our community, including, but not limited to, emails, direct messages, in-person conversations, social media engagements, and any other communication channels associated with our organization.

We believe in fostering genuine connections and discussions that benefit our community as a whole, without the distraction and discomfort that unsolicited solicitations can cause. Violation of this policy may result in immediate removal from the community and/or banning from future participation at the discretion of our team.

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our environment welcoming, and free from unwarranted distractions.


Reporting and Enforcement

  • Discussion Leader Training: Leaders of the club are prepared to recognize and report code of conduct violations. While they can be seen as safe people to disclose a violation to, they have been instructed to triage and escalate to Abby regardless of member request. This is for their safety, and your own.  
  • Incident Reporting: Members are encouraged to report any behavior that makes them feel uncomfortable or that violates the Code of Conduct. Reports can be made anonymously via our incident reporting form or directly to our designated contact, Abby Covert, at [email protected]. We promise to investigate all complaints discreetly and thoroughly and keep you in the loop as much as we can as we investigate.
  • Enforcement Actions: The Sensemakers Club reserves the right to take any actions deemed necessary to maintain a welcoming environment for our members. This may include a warning to the offender, temporary suspension, or permanent expulsion from the club without refund.
  • Appeal Process: Members expelled for violating the Code of Conduct may appeal the decision by contacting Abby Covert, at [email protected]. The appeal must be lodged within 30 days of the expulsion notification.


Legal Compliance and Jurisdiction

The Sensemakers Club operates digital platforms accessible to members worldwide. As such, we strive to comply with the applicable laws and regulations of any jurisdictions where our members reside. This Code of Conduct has been designed with these legal frameworks in mind, specifically regarding anti-discrimination and harassment protections.


Changes and Updates to the Code of Conduct

The Sensemakers Club reserves the right to modify and update this Code of Conduct as necessary to reflect the evolving needs of our community and legal requirements. Members will be notified of significant changes through our digital platforms and via email.

Contact Information

For any inquiries or to report a violation of this Code of Conduct, please contact: Abby Covert, at [email protected] 

Your safety and comfort are our highest priority. Let's work together to make The Sensemakers Club a welcoming space for all.


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